Re-format on-board memory

Re-format on-board memory

The on-board memory can sometimes get into a state that needs re-formatting. This will often cause problems with synching. If you encounter damaged files or SYS ERR messages while synching it is recommended that you re-format.

First try a safe re-format. In more extreme cases a complete re-format will be necessary.

It is good practice to Re-flash roaster firmware prior to re-formatting to eliminate the possibility that there might be firmware corruption, although it is very rare.

Safe re-format (preserves logs and profiles):

  1. Make sure you can access the Kaffelogic Studio connection tools menu. If it is not showing in the Tools menu, select Difficulty - Engineer in the Options menu.

  2. Select ‘Re-format on-board memory’

  3. Select ‘Re-sync’

The re-sync will copy all logs and profiles back onto the roaster.

Here is a step-by-step sequence of screenshots to guide you through the process:

Complete re-format (CAUTION: deletes all logs and profiles):

  1. First make a copy of your profiles and logs away from the roaster sync folders.

  2. Make sure you can access the Kaffelogic Studio connection tools menu. If it is not showing in the Tools menu, select Difficulty - Engineer.

  3. Select ‘Re-format on-board memory’

  4. Unplug the cable to the roaster

  5. Select ‘Open roaster sync files’ and delete both logs and profiles folders.

  6. Re-plug the cable to the roaster and restore the core profiles using the core profiles tab of Kaffelogic Studio


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